Tuesday, June 7, 2016

I tried

I tried                     6/7/2016

If I had not tried
I would not know
But if I had not lost
I wouldn’t care.

Maybe I tried to hard
And maybe I fought myself
A foolish casualty
In the battlefield
Of the mind. 

I had only just awakened
But already mortally wounded
Flailing my arms
And drowning in blood.

How can you ever win
When it’s already too late
Nothing but foolish cuckhold
Dumb, impotent, and dead.

It does no good
To wallow in regret
Once you have lived on both sides
And know
How it hurts.

Worn down and haggard
We see others
With contempt
Never knowing how easy it is
To fall through the cracks. 

Just a second too late
We swing at the shadows
Already going down
And out on our feet.

Evil has a name
And it has not changed
Persistent and remorseless
Like a python
Around your neck. 

Sizing us up
Unaware and asleep
And stalking us in the night
Patiently waiting
And tensing their coils. 

I lay awake
And count the minutes
And hours
Always watching
Now that it’s too late. 

The world groans
As do I
Because its half past midnight
And nobody cares at all. 

Many will wail
Against what they lost
Caring only for themselves
Until it’s too late.

Missing all the warnings
And missing all the love
Consumed by the self
And foolish pride. 

We are the bits of iron
Who once were clay
Strangers to the rest
And waiting for the end.

They will never understand
But we can still stick together
Now that we know
Ten times a thousand.

Renewed in the mind
All our wounds will heal
Life for the lifeless
And eternity
For the good.   

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