Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Seventeen Years

 17 years         10/14/2020



Seventeen years ago

That was when

The fire fell down

From a few droplets

Of water

On top of my head.


The old began

To fall away

And a new man


But not before the test

And not before the trial. 


Frozen to a timeline

We cannot return

At least not for now

We are bound

To the present. 


I thought I had a lot

But I did not know a thing

Because in the blink of an eye

Everything was gone. 


Picked up

And dropped down

Into the cold deep water

No longer able

To see my feet. 


All alone

And barely surviving

Treading water

And out of gas. 


Desperate for something

Or anything

Something solid

And something firm. 


But there is no escape

From learning

And no rest

For the lonely.


Unable to breathe

And unable to sleep

My throat closing up

Lost in the deep. 


You were there

All along

But still hadn’t learned

A long time coming

From the inside out. 


You were there

To keep me from drowning

Safe in your hands

Until I knew. 


I had to learn

And I had to swim

Even when

It seemed pointless

And hopeless. 


I prayed

And I prayed

Over and over

And you heard

Every time

And every word. 


It was you Lord

Who brought me out

Teaching me then

And teaching me now.


I asked

And you answered

I dream

And you bless. 


I err

And you forgive

You admonish

And I listen. 


Thank you

Thank you for it all

For only the wise

Can share

And only the humble

Should speak. 


Give me the words

For yours are perfect

And I shall speak

No matter what

And no matter where.

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