Wednesday, October 7, 2020

 Born on 10/17                                     10/7/2020


Dark days

Thick and black

Hidden faces

Shrouded with death.


Poison tipped

Darts of death

Designed and deployed

An invisible enemy  

Of suffocating asphyxia.


Ugly is the hatred

Of the godless horde

Their faith in lies

Masquerading as truth.


Created by dysfunction

And long encouraged

By moral decay

A guided missile

With multiple heads. 


Art, entertainment, culture

Sports, architecture, and sex

Beauty and dignity replaced

By offensive ugliness. 


Dividing us into shuts

For convenient slaughter

We who might question

And rebel. 


Brutalist buildings

And the international left

A uniparty of slavery

And deliberate theft. 


Evil ambition

The original envy

The jealous usurper

Covets the throne.


The gatekeepers

Collect their pay

Following directions

To control

And deceive. 


Vomiting talking points

Coordinated in the dark

Every day something new

And every day a lie.


Heavily scripted lies

About as true

As a movie

Programing the deluded

To wish themselves



The day approacheth

When all must choose

What is more important

Fake safety

Or truth.  


The easy road

Leads unto to death

We were warned

So long ago.


The higher road

Is beset with snares

And hatred of men

Punishing those who dare

Do what is right

And what is fair.


The will not win

But looks

Can be deceiving

Stealing all the can

Until the last possible day. 


Through hook and crook

They hide their true



And treacherous. 


Watch them now

Drop all their masks

As they attempt to wound

And attempt to kill. 


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