Monday, October 5, 2020

 Demonology                       10/05/2020

Evil men

Hide in the shadows

Insulated by power

And shrouded in lies. 


Trading in poison

Too small to see

Shameless, soulless

Calculated death.


Nothing too low

And nothing too treacherous

Protected by firewalls

Of judicial malfeasance.


Layer upon layer

The gate keepers react

Obedient to their masters

For money and power. 


Meat puppets

Hollowed out

And dead

Dancing and singing

To a demons delight.


Worse than you know

The evil in their veins

Throbbing with hatred

For everything we are. 


They who love


Cheer at death

For you and for me

And anyone we love.


What they do to one

They mean for all

Anticipating the day

That they have power

And total control. 


Better to face it now

Than when its too late

For who can miss

The grin behind the mask.


Every day a lie

And every week

A traitor

The long silent sleepers

Called in to crow.


Now more than ever

Pray with all your heart

No matter what is said

Or what horror they do.


For there is nothing

So well hidden

That it will not be revealed

And nothing so terrible

That it will not be tried.

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