Friday, October 2, 2020

 Bloody Fingers                             10/2/2020


Nothing will ever be the same

Changed forever

Willing to sacrifice many

To cover up their crimes.


Knowing what it cost

They go ahead and lie

Afraid of exposure

For what they themselves

Have done.


All that you see

And all that you hear

Everything that is wrong

And upside down.


None of it

Was an accident

And none a mistake

Slowly sold out

One brick at a time.


They prefer the dragon

And from the dragon

They were born

Children of murder

From a father of lies.


Usurpers from time


They hate God

And long to be him.


Burrowed in

Like a tick

Sucking blood

And selling souls.


To them

We are commodities

Their very currency

Human lives.


Spreading like a virus

Their soldiers slip in

Almost imperceptible

But exceddingly deadly.


Hidden in trucks

Boxes and containers

They traffic in misery

And celebrate death. 


Sacrificing many

Passed through the fire

The evil intent

Long ago

And far away.


Hiding in the dark

They have no shame

Anything to win

And anything to rule. 


But even their father

Must know

That he can’t change

The end

Already decided

Before it even began. 


Stand strong

Unwavering in truth

In spite of every lie

And every accusation. 


For the biggest lie

And most horrific


Is still yet to come. 


All the way over

And all the way done

God blesses the true

Who never lose faith.


Let it all go forth

As we stare into the fire

Dead level determined

No matter what

And no matter who. 


He who stands it now

Shall conquer all

Dead or alive

Slandered and betrayed. 


The Lord comes

Most assuredly so

Our tower, our rock

And our eternal










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