Friday, October 9, 2020


 Hairpin                     10/09/2020

Like never before

The weight of time

Crushing down

On a certain date.


Hanging on a ledge

A sheer drop down

The yawning abyss

Grins at our death.


An ancient hatred

Long held in secret

Shows its teeth

Never closer

To permanent victory.


The point of no return

The inescapable grip

Constricting our breath

And choking us out.


Leaning backwards

We teeter in place

With us in the middle

Carefully balanced.


Nothing lasts forever

But now we must move

The rear wheels spinning

And biting the ground.


We can save ourselves

If we see the truth

Judging the distance

Between the good

And the evil.


Good men

Have no need

For scripts

Their intentions

Exactly as they are said.


But evil lies

And falsely accuses

Hiding their intentions

As long as they can. 


No one sees the dagger

Before it’s too late

Bleeding out on the floor

And gasping for breath.


Choose to live

And choose to love

Wanting the best

Who are here and now. 


Or choose hatred

And death

Those who want you dead

And laugh at the dying.

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