Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Rolling Thunder

Rolling Thunder        9/11/2018

If you have nothing to lose
Then you have nothing to fear
Everything a blessing
And undeserved.

A contented peace
That’s impossible to describe
Against all odds
And inexplicable heartbreak.

We try
And we fail
Even when virtuous
And even in prayer. 

My mother and my father
They were my heroes
Sacrificing everything
As long as they lived.  

They are free
And they
Are watching me now
Bigger than the world
Pulling us down. 

Above the strike floor
The flames
Could not be escaped
Not much choice
For the betrayed
And condemned.

Secrets, lies
And two kinds of rules
One for us
And another for them. 

Blood on their feet
And blood on their tongues
The servants of Satan
For power
And money. 

It’s time to speak
And its time to shout
Time to do something
Or die for nothing. 

Let it all come out
Every single secret
All the way back
For everyone to see. 

The blood of the saints
And the mouths of the slain
Cry out to God
Every day

The calm before the storm
Shows every single sign
The stillness of dread
Before the hurricane flies. 

Let them all sleep
And let them all rest
For the day
And the hour. 

Burning forever
The enemies within
And enemies without
Treacherous demons
And soulless men.   

No longer protected
By curtains or veils
Exposed forever
Evil and dead. 

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