Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Kill Box              9/12/2018

Bring it up
And haul it out
From the deepest
And the darkest.  

The open secret
That we all can sense
Long hidden
At the bottom. 

Bigger than you can imagine
The slow moving mass
Lurking in the depths
Of the most demented souls. 

A body of lies
Long black and ghastly
Rising up
Against God. 

For how long
None of can tell
But come up it will
Foe everyone to see.

The world boils over
Of long awaited truth
Sickened by murder
Rape and assault.

Only one strike away
From the reckoning deserved
The long awaited spark
100 years or more.

None of it an accident
And none a coincidence
The controlled demolition
Of nations and men.

All of it on purpose
And all of it by plan
The murder and extinction
Of civilization and faith. 

But nothing is more viscous
Than thwarted pride
The vanity of demons
Second to none.

Circled back
And doubled down
The sudden stab
Back to front.

Thrashing about
To take all it can
The blood thirsty lizards
On their way
To the end.

Blood, death, and water
They hate the light of truth
Lie upon lie
Piled up
And sunk deep.

See them now
As they fire at will
Nothing too low
And nothing too cruel.  

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