Thursday, September 20, 2018


Lurking                    9/20/2018

Many are those
Who practice their words
Modulating their voice
From meaning to joke.

They call themselves leaders
And they speak from a mirror
Never anything real
And never the truth. 

Cherry picked statements
Of accusatory assertions
All backed up by nothing
But cowardly lies. 

Foolish distractions
And shallow hysterics
Bolstered by a pretzel logic
That is not true at all. 

Perfectly smooth
But perfectly fake
The aspiring elite
Who are not elite at all. 

The love to talk
And they love to speak
Unable to listen
And unable to care. 

Covered up
And covered over
By a complicit media
Of propaganda and fraud. 

They who know
Nothing of love
The only thing
They cannot win
And cannot own. 

Only the most deluded
Or clinically insane
Could ever believe
The most obvious lie. 

Losing their grip
They see the end in mind
Lashing out
And stumbling blind. 

Lying every minute
And hiding every lie
The bottom feeders lurk
In the depths of the loch. 

Immune for a time
But the reckoning draws near
The many and the few
Parasitic and dumb. 

Pull them up
And draw them down
Exposed for what they did
And exposed
For who they are. 

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