Thursday, March 29, 2018


Elevenfold                                3/29/2018

We learn
And we forget
We try
And we fail. 

Lifted up
And pulled free
Only to sink
Down again. 

If we had forever
Then God only knows
The evil we would plan
Limited until such a time
That those worthy

We sleep
And we turn away
Averting our eyes
From harsh truths. 

But you made me look
And you plucked me out
Tested by trial
And burned in the fire. 

I prayed as hard as I could
But I did not get
The answer I wanted
Humiliated again and again
Rejected and forgotten. 

Nothing but a ghost
Unable to let go
Moaning in the darkness
And dragging my memories
Down the hall.    

Letting go hurt
And in the sun
We squint at the light
The journey uphill
One inch at a time.

Many give up
And many fall  away
Preferring the comfort of lies
To cleansing self-awareness.

They think they are free
From obligation and debt
Strolling down an easy path
Out from under
Easy and clear. 

But they are the ones
Deluded and dumb
Empty, soulless
And grasping at crumbs. 

Calling good evil
And evil good
Trading light
For darkness
Shallow and unaware.

Blinded to truth
And deaf to God
Holding hands
And skipping to death. 

God had a better idea
Than what it was
I wanted
Saving me
For something bigger
And better. 

Now is the time
That we must follow it through
Come what may
Hated or loved. 

Death is defeated
And sin is cancelled out
Victory from loss
And redemption from debt!

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