Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Timeline                                               3/28/2018

Ancient rock
Shifts and sinks
One millimeter two millimeter
Three millimeter four. 

Breaking down
And building up
Living clay 
Breathing in
And out. 

The same now
As it was then
All promises kept
In the beginning
And in the end. 

With each new beginning
Coming from another end
One foot in front of  the other
Marching down to zero. 

The sword
Is in the fire
And the Lord
Stands at the door. 

Closer than ever
We who listen can hear
That the days grow short
And full of murder.

But for many
The world has changed
With the spread of knowledge
Awakened, and aware.    

To any and all
Who might dare seek
The silhouettes
Through the shadows
Long hidden from view. 

The big lie thwarted
At the last possible hour
Exposed through a window
Like a snapshot in time. 

Come out it will
For everyone to see
With time enough yet
To learn
And to know. 

Be careful
Lest you forget
Good or evil

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