Tuesday, April 10, 2018

White Roses

 White Roses                  4/10/2018

Step by step
Inch by inch
Night and day
Closer and closer.

Behold the wooden horse
Full of death and poison
Funded and planned
By purpose
And design. 

Another day
And another test
Endlessly prodding
And speculating. 

The chattering class
Both bought and paid for
Compromised, complicit
Soulless and dead. 

The world at stake
And trillions of dollars
Selling us out
Many decades of late. 

Money for the few
And death to the many
Cutting us down
And tearing us apart. 

All of it built
On gutting us out
The eternal dream of evil
One world
Without God. 

Both patient
And relentless
Ever plotting
To tighten the noose. 

Forever towards the goal
By any means they can
Manufacturing horror
To do what they will. 

Today I saw the story
 A life taken out of hatred
Another honest innocent
Erased from time. 

No one said a word
And it didn’t make
The mainstream news
Another notch
Another day. 

But you and I
We are the ones
That they really fear
No longer blind
To evil and deception. 

Find your heart
And find your voice
Now more than ever
Write, speak, and shout!

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