Thursday, March 1, 2018

Tip Toe

Tip Toe                             3/1/2018

Time moves slowly
Until it disappears
Eroded away
By radiation
And rot. 

Born to lose
We are offered up
On a plate
The few and the many
Inextricably linked.

I am no more
Than I was then
Indulged and unaware
Asleep in my dreams.

She gave me a Bible
But then she bled me out
With one deadly thrust
Back to front. 

The mortal wounds
Kill more than the body
Succumbing to an evil
Patient, silent, and deadly.

Hiding in plain sight
And camouflaged as weakness
The humble sheep in the fold
Cold and calculating. 

Whispering in our ears
That all will be well
If only we trusted
And if only we trusted.

Sweet little lies
Worm their way in
Burrowing deep
To lay their seed. 

And with one tiny step
The door cracks open
One millimeter as a time
To all kinds of deception. 

How many have fallen
Because they wandered afar
Even though they were warned
And even though they tried. 

Cautious at first
And lulled into safety
The casual pace of deceit
Unpunished and happy. 

One foot in front of another
The seemingly innocent
And justified
Becomes a lure
Sucking us in
And sucking us down. 

Food for fodder
To fill an empty void
A sacrificial lamb
And deceived.

And by the time they know
It is already too late
Unable to escape
Without loss
And shame. 

How great the loss
For lack of courage
We give up
And we give in. 

So far down the rabbit hole
That they can’t come back
Another loss to sin
And blaming God. 

Stay on the path
Even though, it be hard
And finish the race
No matter how tired
And how weary. 

For those who stand it now
Shall forever see the glory
The kind you cannot own
And cannot lose.    

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