Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Silver Stream

Silver Stream                      12/27/2017

I ripped off the ribbon
And tore open the box
Appreciative of anything
And expecting nothing. 

My eyes were opened
And there is no going back
No matter how deeply buried
And suppressed. 

While we laughed
Others were murdered
And while we slept
Their bodies were burned. 

They lay down with dogs
And shake their head in disbelief
Mauled to the bone
And shredded with teeth. 

But we did not warn them
And they were never told
Beast from man
And lead from Gold.  

We thought
That they could see it
And we thought
That they understood
Hung by our own piety
Foolish, deadly, and dumb.

But they
They were are lied to
Every day in every way
Led down the easy path
Vulnerable and kind. 

Oblivious to the snake
Coiled in the grass
The fools of the field
Trusting and dumb.    

Save all you can
And tell them
Dead level straight
The truth of reality
Right here
Right now. 

For no secret
Is so well hidden
And no record
So permanently sealed
That the Lord shall not reveal it
Obvious and true.   

Rejoice at the gift
Still yet to be opened
The shining blessing  
Together with God
Pure, free, and clear. 

Shout and sing
In Joyful triumph
That we have
Already won. 

No longer bound
And no longer in the dark
The bright lights
And bright spirits
Of glorious luster.

God wins
Good wins
Now and forevermore
The gift we knew not to ask
And did not deserve.

But it is that gift
That means the most of all
As love given freely
Multiplies endlessly. 

It rains down now
And I can feel every spark
The beautiful light
In the dead of the dark.

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