Wednesday, January 3, 2018

New Blood

New Blood            1/3/2018

It’s hard to believe
Yet none the less true
That many are lost
And saved by a few. 

Twisting slowly
By all their good intentions
The useless cowards
Struggling to please. 

An impossible task
And doomed to fail
The whistling fools
Skipping past a graveyard.

Used until the end
And cut off
At the throat
The lukewarm friends
Sitting on the fence. 

Falling all over themselves
And caving in to lies
The path of least resistance
And mediocre promotion.    

There is no doubt
And there is no mystery
What many want
Deep in their heart.

I also, have felt it
Pass through my bones
The visceral hatred
And bestial rage.

It will not be
The first time
But it could be
The last
That the good
Have laid down and died.   

They should
Have seen it coming
But they would rather
Believe in lies
That death is what they deserve
Over nothing at all.

Eyes closed
Mouth shut
They Parrot
What they hear
The unsuspecting slaughtered
Mild, meek, and dumb.

But nothing lasts forever
No, not even this
Rotten to the core
With fraud
And corruption.    

Gone in only an hour
Many shall wail
And cry on their knees
Faces contorted with fear
And shame. 

It was all a lie
The biggest lie of all
Told and retold a million times
But still
And always a lie. 

Go off script
And take the truth
In your hands
Knowing what it is
And what it is not. 

Gone away
And left to rot
Cut loose
And cut off. 

Turn it off
And go away
As far as you can
Closer to truth
And closer to God. 

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