Thursday, December 7, 2017

The Cutaways

The Cutaways                                     12/7/2017

Inching closer
And ever more apparent
The anticipation of miracles
Overflowing with joy
Long held
In prayer. 

The doors are open
And no one
Can shut them now
Even though the try
All remain.

Before I didn’t know
And I was always lost
Perplexed by the world
Upside down
And fake. 

I had it all
And then I got to watch it
All fade away
Slowly disappearing
Until I was nothing at all. 

Erased, cancelled
Forgotten and deleted
One thing at a time
Veins open
And bleeding out. 

Something had to give
Because someone had to lose
Just so someone else could win
Giving up
And giving in. 

The words come
And reveal who I am
The one they forgot
And fell through the cracks. 

Cut them off
And let them go
Taking the slack
As far as they can. 

Lost to time
And no longer remembered
Caught up by their deceit
Twice dead
And dumb. 

We shall have the glory
More than we lost
Ten times
Ten thousand. 

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