Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Lamp

The Lamplighter            8/30/2017

In the blink
Of an eye
One world dies
And another
Is born. 

Splitting off
In endless possibilities
The numberless dreams
Of choices
And indecision.

We exist
In the twilight
Trapped in the  flesh
Unable to see
Behind the veil.   

Weighed down
By the earth
And the unbearable
Boredom of existence.   

Ensnared by the details
We seldom see the end
Barely scratching the surface
Of superficial being. 

Running inside a wheel
We miss more than we see
A victim of temporary emotions
Reacting to stimuli
That mean nothing at all.     

Sometimes we get a warning
And sometimes
We get a chance
Stumbling blind
And hopelessly lost.

But other times
We get neither
Blindsided halfway home
Cut off
And cut down. 

But for everything that is
There is always
The other side
Forcing us to learn
And grow. 

Many grasp at nothing
And I watch them chase the air
Unaware of the blessings
Face to face
And eye to eye.

If love is a choice
Then it must be chosen
But what we choose
We must also earn.

Each day a gift
That we must welcome
Making ourselves worthy
By patience and faith.   

In gaining we are thankful
And in losing
We learn contentment
Ripening with time
In a golden harvest.   

From a secret place
The spark undeserved
A lamp in our darkness
To guide and reveal. 

The gift
No man can measure
My love, my joy
And my treasure!

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