Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Photograph                          9/6/2017

Another ring
Around the rosy
Another day
And another night.

Flowers and ashes
We dance
And we dream
Alone in our sleep
Empty and dead.

Once you see it
There is no turning back
What they want for you
And what they want for me.

What kind of evil?
Refuses to protect
Those who came before
And those yet unborn.

And what kind
Of cruelty is worse?
Than those
Who betray their own
And hate their memory.

Before persecution
There is replacement
And before genocide
The murdered are always

I have seen them also
Pray for our death
Watering at the mouth
For the distant day
To come. 

Jealous, hateful
Envious and savage
Killing off the vulnerable
Every chance they get. 

But what is worse?
In this land of ashes
Than those who enable
And lie. 

Hiding the truth
And smudging the facts
Skewing the counts
And rigging the match. 

Our pockets our empty
But our hearts are burning
Just waiting for something
Or anything at all.

He who knows the past
Has also read the words
The beginning
And also the end. 

We have always been
The hated
And we have always been
The murdered. 

The same then
As it is now
Buy even now
Our witness speaks
And alive. 

The few shall win
Just as before
Just as was written
The beginning
And the end. 

Watch them hate
And watch them thrash
Spewing, spitting
Disgusting and vile. 

Not long
Is their day of death
And never will they be able
To do what they want. 

Gone in an instant
The hour shall pass
When the many fall
And the few

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