Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Shudder the thought

Hide and Seek                     8/23/2017

The world trembles
At the thought
And many recoil
And clutch their pearls. 

That anyone could dare
And tell the truth
To awaken a giant
Long dormant
And silent.  

Overly patient
And slow to anger
The larger man
No longer guilty
Of nothing at all. 

Long suffering
The repeated blows
Savaged out of hatred
And jealousy. 

Rising up
To protect the future
Those yet unborn
And pure. 

Knowing what is coming
Not long down the road
And willing to do
Whatever it takes. 

Untying his hand
From around his back
And learning to speak
With reason
And logic. 

No longer cowed
By baseless accusation
And no longer ashamed
Of the gift
And the blessings. 

Against the world
The few against the many
More than enough
To turn the tide. 

The cities burned
And the treasures looted
Laid waste
By murder
And assault. 

The predators will run
Like the cowards they are
Courageous only in packs
And unleashing their violence 
In sudden attacks. 

Scattered and wailing
They will gnash their teeth
All the while
Knowing and lying. 

The truth springs forth
And shatters the veil
As the unheard rise
From the dead
And the buried. 

Deliberately forgotten
The souls of the good
Accused by the unworthy
For what they themselves
Have done. 

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