Thursday, August 10, 2017


Active Suppression                       8/10/2017

Each and every
Any and all
Swallowed up
And slithered down. 

Circled around
And looped over
The good are cut off
Atomized and alone. 

Blindfolded, handcuffed
Ignorant and dumb
Many fumble in the dark
Unable to question
And unwilling to know.

Older and fewer
Isolated and vulnerable
Silently Suffocated like an invalid
With a pillow
On the face.

Nothing much remains
But a solitary spark
Barely burning
Deep in the heart. 

But nothing can save
He who will not see
Deluded till the end
The truly ignorant
And willingly hateful.

Today they are exposed
The complicit
And the guilty
Openly plotting
Evil and treason.

Full in the sun
The murderers in daylight
Cruel, treacherous
And filled with hate. 

Long hidden
And always omitted
The truly guilty
Foam at the mouth
Soon to squirm
And soon to pass. 

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