Tuesday, August 22, 2017


The Glimpse         8/22/2017

Much is lost
But seldom gained
In the deep dark moments
Of abandonment
And rejection.

The world heaves
Heavy under the sun
Slowly rolling
Into time. 

Dropping down
Into darkness
The foreshadowing
Of memory
Long ago
And far away.  

Today they are the same
Just as they were before
Killing by proxy
What they wish
In name. 

Hunting down
Every last vestige
In words and thoughts
Raging against the light
And foaming at the the mouth. 

Whipped up
In a frenzy
And paid for propaganda
The evil masked men
Of genocide. 

Loaded up
And trucked in
They know
No one will speak
The madness of the mob
Ignorant and blind.

Once you see
There is no turning back
No matter what is said
And no matter what you hear. 

The lie is big
And it grows
like a cancer
Spreading like a disease
Everywhere you look. 

Changing places
And erasing words
Anything noble
And dignified. 

Spawning in the dark
And spread upon the shores
The mass of hatred
Surging forward. 

Marked is the moment
That the world stood still
A moment of pause
To use our free will. 

Blood on the moon
And darkness of the sun
Perfectly timed
A sign for the good
And judgment  
For the dumb.

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