Thursday, July 27, 2017

The French Camp

The French Camp              7/27/2017

Either by lies
Or maybe by omission
The words are withheld
And the motive hidden. 

The dreams of the dead
Swept under the rug
Overshadowed by a veneer
False, and fake. 

The lie just gets bigger
Every time it is told
Just as false now
As it was then. 

Decades fly by
And the truth
Was there all along
For anyone to see
All around
And everywhere. 

In smoke filled rooms
The decisions were made
About whom to blame
And who to excuse. 

And so the truth was hidden
And we didn’t know
Left with only
What we
Were told.    

Manipulated by propaganda
In art, culture, and tv
To accept decline
Surrender and decay.

Living on poison
One drop at a time
Minute by minute
And day by day. 

Accelerated over time
Because truth is hard to suppress
The replacement of millions
In their own land. 

Medicated, labeled
Penalized, and blamed
The good and the original
Marginalized by degree. 

They lied about the murders
And they lie about them still
Even now that we know
By statistics
And reality.   

Flooded, defrauded
And disenfranchised by the hour
The good citizens of utopia
Murdered in the street. 

The end is here
But the liars remain
Protected by a narrative
Too big to fail.    

Built up
Over time
The tremendous falsehood
Of blame
Enough to make you sick
With more of the same. 

I will remember your name
And I will remember your face
Hunted down for a reason
Because of who you were
And what you were.   

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