Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Magdalene           7/25/2017

More than they will ever know
And more than they will ever face
I walked the walk
And I ran the race.  

Cut from behind
From the least threatening corner
Deep, deadly 
Vicious, and cruel.   

The first loss 
Of many losses 
Suffered by one
And suffered by many.  

Betrayed out of nowhere 
The doubled minded beast
Growing head after head 
Preying upon every doubt
And disappointment.

Deceptive and relentless 
We fall far below 
Endlessly suffering 
From blow after blow. 

Death comes
Silent as a shadow
A black mold
Growing on the brain. 

Skewing thoughts
From desperation
And despair
Closing in
And closing off.

And only God knows
How many have tried
Over and over
Before they gave up
Rolled over and died. 

Blood of my blood
The precious link
Between them and us
You and me. 

Bound with
A sacred chain
But hunted
Every day. 

Whisper to me
All your secrets
And I’ll tell you mine
Ancient as we 
Together in time.  

Though the ashes
Be buried
The embers
Have never gone out
Waiting for centuries
For a whisper or a shout. 

From nothing
From dust comes victory
The invisible miracle
Of immortality. 

And outnumbered
Those who remain
Ridiculed and punished
Every day
In every way. 

But love conquers all
And the spark
Only grows stronger
With knowledge
And time. 

I hold my son
As my father held me
Sacred as a mother
Covering us all
From hatred
And cruelty. 

Cover me
And I cover you
All of us one
Inside and out
The first
And the last. 

We were born
Just for this
To preserve
And protect
The best we can
Right here
And right now. 

Every watchful
And ever awake
Eyes wide open
In front
And behind. 

The saints
Camp about us
And true
Seeing us out
And seeing us through. 

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