Thursday, July 13, 2017

News Talk

News Talk             7/13/2017

Many will eat
And still be hungry
Force fed for life
On nothing at all. 

Nothing but baubles
Dangled in our eyes
Shiny distractions
From what is real
And what is true.    

We can listen
Or we can turn away
Because the truth is all around
Everywhere you look
And everything you see. 

If you can see it
Then you can decide
Who are the real liars
And who are the blind.  

Here they come now
And chatter
Endlessly speculating
On nothing at all. 

Outside is everything
And memory is the key
As with each passing day
It either gets better
Or it gets worse.

The struggle against forgetting
Is a war against time
Slipping away
Every minute
And every day. 

The world spasms
And doubles over
Long ago
And compromised. 

Accustomed to power
And unlimited money
Skimming off the cream
And feeding at the trough. 

Fat off the back
Of the powerless
And the forgotten
The sacrificial lambs
And abused. 

They have lost
And their time grows short
A long time coming
And certain. 

Guard your heart
And lock it away
Everything in prayer
Morning, noon
And night.    

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