Thursday, October 27, 2016


Wormhole             10/27/2016

It all started
With a lie
A deep and vile deception
Crawling in
The tiniest of cracks.

Forced in
At the weakest of moments
Foisted upon the resentful
And grossly overburdened.

Eating on fear
And feasting
Upon exhaustion
Persistently testing
For weaknesses with promises
And lies.

Wedging against every fault
And exploiting all favorable angles
Like an opportunistic disease
Spreading through the blood. 

Almost unnoticed
Safe, harmless,
Easy and effortless
The greatest of tragedies
Happen by degrees.

Sucked in
And lost
Before we even knew
The parasite embedded
And sapping our strength.

By the time
You see it
It is already too late
Burrowed too deep
To remove
The fatally infected heart.

Lost to time
Over nothing at all
The emotional ruins
Of the empty
And the fake. 

They have murdered many
And it nearly killed me
Taking everything
And leaving nothing. 

The dead hand holds the truth
And all hands work to kill
Removing every obstacle
Brazen and remorseless.

Playing on a loop
Threaded through time
The failure of man
Falling though the floor
And cursed from the start.

Pride traps us all
And we flail at the wind
Unable to question
Speak, climb, or swim. 

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