Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Pick and Shovel

Pick and Shovel                      11/1/2016

There is nothing hidden
That will not be known
And no murder
Left uncovered. 

Many are the chances
For the good to repent
To examine the past
And change the future.

But for those who lie
They live on borrowed sin
Lifted up by deceit
And controlled by guilt. 

Thriving by cowardice
And profiting off despair
The powerful grow rich
And drunk with pride.

Wandering down the rabbit hole
They create their own truth
Where good is evil
And evil is good.

Years and decades pass
For what it seems like forever
As one thing becomes another
Farther and farther down
The highway of death. 

The wide and easy thoroughfare
Littered with bodies and secrets
Avoidable by choice
And obedience. 

The road was hard
And the mistakes they were plenty
We who fell down again and again
Pulling ourselves up by a branch
When our feet began to slip. 

It was never about the summit
Because it was all about the effort
The peace of knowing
All we had done
And all we had tried. 

Many sleep
Having tried their best
Waiting for us
Ahead of the steep.

We shall all laugh together
At the greatest warm embrace
All of us at last
Free from the race. 

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