Monday, October 24, 2016

Dead Hand

Dead Hand               10/24/2016

Outside of space
And outside of time
The spirit resides
Fluid and free.

Untouchable, uncontainable
And free
The immortal soul
Unfettered by measurement
And control. 

The only thing we have
And the only thing
We can keep
But still often neglected
In the here and now. 

But this world
It is a rotted waste
Full of bitterness
And terror. 

In the shadows
The controllers hide
Behind walls and guards
They plot and plan. 

Rewarding the corrupt
And mindlessly obedient
No matter what the cost
Bankrupt and merciless. 

But to their enemies
They bring nothing but death
Above the law
And above reproach.

A cartel
And a cabal
Exclusive, hidden
Satanic and cruel. 

The architects of chaos
And benefactors of evil
Pitting brother against brother
In endless wars.  

Shifting flags
And shifting colors
They hide behind philanthropy
Barbaric, and sadistic. 

Profiting from starvation
And laughing at genocide
They set up a crossfire
For you
And for me.  

Treacherous and deadly
The high priests of death
Desperately seeking immortality
Through privilege and power. 

Watch them lie
And watch them scheme
Predictable as the sun
Profiting from chaos
And murder for fun.

Cutting us apart
And cutting us down
Lying that it is hopeless
For us to resist
Or try. 

Take heart
For we already know
How all of this will end
The end from the beginning
Who will rise
And who will win. 

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