Monday, October 17, 2016


Eclipse              10/17/2016

Deep dark and silent
Morning arrives
Another day
And another year.

I was asleep
And now I am awake
Blinded by lies
And burned by the sun. 

The world is heavy
And now more than ever
Pressing downward
And squeezing the sides. 

We did not know
And with that
We jumped off a cliff
Deluded and used
For anything
And everything. 

We who followed the rules
And we who believed
Pushed forward
And stabbed in the back. 

Left with the bill
And blamed for the charge
The good and the innocent
Guilty by birth
And belief. 

Some got away
And some got paid
While the rest waited
And never got saved.

Many are those
Who remember
Just on the other side
Still waiting for something
Or anything at all. 

Useful for a time
And then cut off and dead
Bumps in the road
Insulted and defamed.  

Let them all hear
And let the world see
All that was hidden
Under every table
And behind every door. 

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