Thursday, October 29, 2020

Mirror Image


 Dead or Alive                                               10/29/2020


 Dead or alive 

We walk backwards 

Through broken


Shatter remains

Jagged and painful. 

I walked in tandem 

and I walked alone

Through concrete canyons

Steel, glass, and chiseled stone.

Learning how to walk 

And learning how to breathe

One foot in front of the other 

Treading water

Swimming in place.

A flat fish dying 

Floating on the side

Without hope 

Mouth open 

Speechless and dead.

Under glass 

Cut off 

And cut down 

Food for others 

Unaware and dumb.

Listening to their conversation

Fake smiles 

And casual wit

Vacuous and shallow 

Judgemental and wrong.


Left for dead 

In a thousand pieces  

Barely alive 

Dead on a plate.  

They notice not 

That I have survived

Forgotten as meat 

Chewed and swallowed. 

Bled dry 

For nothing 

But convenience 

And cut off 

Just for taste.


Gone out 

In silence 

They forget

Me quick  

Unworthy of memory

or honor.  

Imagine their surprise 

When they see me again

Ahead and above 

Over and atop.

The spirit burns 

From a tiny spark

An ember from 

The burning heart of God.

He will repay

And his words

I shall speak

Across the field 

The race is won!


The pieces on a plate

The forgotten one 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

 A Million Miles        10/21/2020


Long Long ago

And a million miles away

Stretching backwards

Time has changed

Detached, discordant

Distant, and strange.


Bits and pieces

I remember

Feelings, faces

Colors and emotions.


Remembered in waves

Flooding forth

Asleep and awake

Transition points

Happy, sad

Piercing and painful.


Pangs of despair

In sudden reflection

The regret of loss


And heartbreaking.


And what are

We to do?

Once our eyes

Are opened

And we understand.


It is then we know

If we have learned

What we can control

And intend to grow. 


If you have ever

Been forgotten

Then be the one

Who always remembers


And if you

Have ever been rejected

Then live your life

With open arms.


If you ever

Felt worthless

And alone

Then be the man

Who shows respect

And loves many.


If you have ever

Been betrayed

Then be the one

Who is trustworthy.


And if you

Were ever falsely


Then be the man

Who tells the truth.


If you were stabbed

In the back

Then be a man of honor

And if you were ever maligned

Then have a heart of gold.


If you were wounded

And kicked when you were down

Then be the one

Who is kind

And merciful. 


If you were ashamed

Of your life

Or even your name

Then be the man

Who makes it known

For who and what he stands.


But also

And most important

Always pray

For everything

And everyone.


Finishing the race

Head held high

Straight ahead

All the way over.


For those who

Know love

Know also

How to give it

Without condition

Or expectation.


Given freely



And true. 


More than enough

And more than worthy

A priceless treasure

That cannot be won,

Swindled or earned. 


Taking back

All that was lost

The least become

The greatest

And the last

Over and above.


Friday, October 16, 2020

Treason   10/16/2020 


Every day

A new lie

And every hour

A new excuse


Heads in the trough

And heads in the sand

Lapping up the slop

Dumped from a shute. 


Believing every lie

And following every distraction

Brainwashed fools

Led by the nose. 


Violence encouraged

And always excused

Evil called good

And good called evil. 


The obvious treason

Hidden from view

As if by ignorance

It really didn’t happen. 


Always cheating

And never fair

The constant lies

Suck away the air. 


Sold out

And sold away

A two tiered law

And two tiered justice. 


Some targeted

Entrapped and accused

Losing everything

To prove they are good.


While others take bribes

And smoke up profit

Guilty of treason

And a whole lot worse.


Evil is their master

And to him do they serve

Loyal only to death

And the kingdoms of hell.


But there is nothing
So well hidden

That it will not be revealed

And no lie told so often

That it will not be


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Dark Secrets

 Dark Secrets       10/15/2020

Mockers jeer

And haters laugh

Shouting with glee

At the prospect of death. 


They never apologize

Even when its proved

And they never learn

From all the damage

They caused.


Never accountable

And never at fault

Excused of every crime

Every single day

And every single time. 


God only knows

All they have done

Buried deep

In the dark. 


Hidden away

Where no one can ask

Deleted, forgotten

Bleached and destroyed. 


Protected by those

Entrusted to expose

The murderous few

Of wealth and power. 


They spin their webs

And spit out lies

Vomiting forth

In the dark of the night. 


Their spawn

Pick it up

And state is as truth

Every day the same

Another accusation

And another lie. 


Combing through

The papers

They examine men

Rather than crimes

All accusing others

For what they themselves

Have done.


Soulless, shameless,

Arrogant, and cruel

Their conscience

Non existent

Shriveled up and dumb.


Hating you

And hating me

Everything we ever were

And everything we are. 


The ugly

Hate the beautiful

And the evil

Hate the good. 


Deranged by jealousy

They hate our very souls

The fact of our faith

And our character of decency. 


The better we are

The more that they try

To tear us away

And tear us apart.  


Art, architecture, culture

And mores

All of them assaulted

And turned ugly. 


Rotted from

The inside out

The destroy the family

And community values

Forbidding all association

Of who we were and are.


Robbing every penny

While they enrich themselves

Selling us out

Lock stock and barrel. 


Censoring all criticism

And forbidding sunlight

Hiding their horror

And slandering the good. 


Dig it up

And drag it out

Every last secret

No matter how dark

And no matter how deep. 


Let it all out

And let it all be known

All the way through

And all the way back. 


Every last secret

And ever last war

Every single machination

To murder and steal.