Thursday, November 14, 2019


Clockwork                           11/14/2019

Clockwork red
While the world
Goes live
Always when needed
And always on time.

Cue the pictures
And conjure up
Some tears  
Because we need
Something to distract
From the here and now. 

Fake or real
Death and dying
Another day
And another solution . 

Many look
And many
Shake their heads.

Not to see
And pretending
Not to know. 

Bigger and bigger
They double down
On lies
As if mere assertions
Make anyone
Good or evil. 

How many search
And how many know
The evidence
And statistics
That have never changed at all. 

Inciting murder
And fanning the flames
Good called evil
And evil called good. 

Secret deals
And secret money
Gigantic piles of pay offs
From the news. 

Two types
Of people
And two sets
Of rules. 

One set
For them
And another
For us.  

Any who dare try
And any who dare
Silenced by threat
And endless accusations. 

Patterns emerge
Timed predictably
And undeniable
With answers in hand
Just in time. 

Who could not know
Unless hopelessly blind
Too far gone
For anyone to save. 

Hands over ears
And hands over eyes
The scream at the sun
For anything but the truth. 

Our numbers
And all of it
On purpose, 

Looking though
The looking glass
One need not ask
What everyone
Should see. 

Blame, persecution
And legal genocide
Just over the horizon
Plain as day. 

We are the remnant
And we are the few
The whole world hinged
On what we say
And what we do. 

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