Thursday, November 21, 2019


Malice     11/21/2019

It took a long time
A many journeys
Around that
Burning orb
That even when we lose
And we can still
Win it all.  

I thought that
If I wasn’t angry
Then I was
Part of the problem
And that if I was silent
I had surrendered. 

But what good
Is anger
When it is something
You cannot change
And what good is complaining
To the innocent, you love. 

Some may get
A second chance
And some get soo many
They end up
Killing themselves. 

But me
I was cut off
And I was let go
Tumbling forever
Down the deepest

Forgotten and alone
Like I had never
Lived at all
Birthdays and holidays
Buried in the past. 

A ghost
To be mocked
And cruelly

I do not know
What is worse
Is it sin
Or is it cruelty?

God forgives
But will he forgive
Those who mock
The people
They have injured. 

Out of sight
And out of mind
The hollowed out
And mummified body. 

Left for dead
And drained
Of blood
Every single ounce
For someone else’s

Who could see
And who can hear
What it feels like
To live
Shunned and rejected. 

Evil men
Ride high
In the sky
Lording it over
The beaten
And the wounded. 

Laughing and mocking
Reminding and hurting
Dangling their winnings
Right before their eyes. 

Who could bear
To forgive such
And who could
Excuse such soulless

They hide hands
And lie, lie, lie
For each offense
And excuse
They deny deny
And deny. 

A reckoning is coming
And on that day
Everything will change
The world turned right side up
After being
Upside down. 

On that day
They will run
And hide their faces
In any hole
That they can find. 

In caves and crack
Among the crags
And crevices
Clinging to the dark
However they can. 

But there is nothing
So well hidden
That it will not be discovered
Each and every lie
And every single deed. 

Brought up
And drug out
Exposed for the world
The unspeakable

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