Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Wait

The Wait                    10/31/2019

Echoes from the past
I can hear in my brain
Seared into memory
The decisive moments
Carved in my heart. 

It is a tragedy
That some people
Have no shame
And that some men
Have no soul. 

Time has healed
Even my deepest wounds
But even time
Cannot blunt
Committed evil. 

It still waits
Pacing in the shadows
Tirelessly plotting
Against the good
And the innocent. 

Under out feet
The blood cries out
Shed in secret
And buried in lies. 

Cut off in mid stride
The unsuspecting
Sacrificial lambs
Unfortunate obstacles
That were removed. 

Unhindered by conscience
And unfettered by faith
The lie with ease
Hands under the table
Where no one can see. 

Counting their money
Fresh from the laundry
And crisp from the printer
Sucked from the debt slaves
Every day and every hour.

Drunk on blood
They lust after power
Planning in secret
For their day
And their hour.

They think
We will forget
And they think
We will tire. 

Resigned to their
Implacable hatred
They think we will shrink
Unable to fight
For a every single inch. 

But what can
They do
To a people unafraid
At last awakened
By five decades and more.

God is stronger
Than Satan
And truth
Shall destroy
The lie. 

Past the point
Of no return
The evil and the blind
Lashing out
To kill all they can. 

Condemned forever
Their time is nigh
But just for a little longer
They lie
And they flail.

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