Thursday, August 8, 2019

Fake Flag

Fake Flag   8/8/2019

I breathe in deep
And let out a sigh
Another day down
In submission
And sleep. 

The silence fills the air
Three decades and more
Lost in a concrete canyon
Up and down
Ceiling to floor. 

Relentless is the feeling
Of the ever tightening vise
Like a snake around your chest
Patiently constricting
With each exhalation.  

Snuffled out
Like we never lived
The forgotten, dreamless
Dead and dumb. 

How long
How long
Can this go on
The gigantic lie
And evil suppression. 

Do they even see it
And do they even know
Always blamed
And always hounded
Ebb, puddle, and flow. 

The millions who tied
In buildings and houses
Asleep in their dreams
Desperately trying
Hopeless and dead.

Ever more depressed
And ever more despised
Murdered for nothing
And never mentioned at all. 

Let it all come out
The horrible shocking lie
Everyone we ever trusted
Whoever their name or guise. 

Exposed at last
For all that they have done
The fake and the false
Evil and dead.  

Burn them out
And burn them down
For all they did
And all they planned. 

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