Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Point Break

Point Break      7/2/2019

Another day over
And another day down
Up and down
In and out.    

Days, weeks,
Months, and years
Decades of gray
Beige and brown. 

Offices, cubicles
Elevators, and rooms
Endless treadmills
Over nothing at all. 

Lots of words
And lots of rules
But none of it mattered
And never it will.   

I tried hard to forgive
And I tried hard to forget
Nothing but a debt slave  
In a slow rolling

The world outside
An artificial lie
Concrete canyons
Where we work
And die. 

Numb to the reality
And conditioned to fear 
The innocent guilty
And the guilty

Sitting in place
Watching shadows  
In a cave
None of it true
And none of it real. 

Valued as nothing
And forgotten at will
Nothing but beef
Fattened to kill.    

A soulless world
Full of empty men
Hands under the table
And always in the till. 

Sold out
And swindled
Our future
And our past
Singled out
And fading fast. 

Two types of law
One for us
And one for them
Immune, exempt
Sink or swim. 

Like a worm
On the sidewalk
Burned before we knew
Bait and fodder
Many for few.

We crawl over glass
For a few dollars more
Indentured for life
For nothing at all. 

Rotting from the inside
And resting on air
The gigantic edifice
Wear and tear.

Over burdened
And continually degraded
The weight of time
In a mountain of lies.

Watch it all unravel
And watch it fall apart
The unbearable evil
Collapsing upon itself. 

Come up
And come out
Far enough away
To see it all
Come tumbling down. 

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