Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Ready                              10/10/2018

If nothing lasts forever
Then what are
We waiting for
Now as good a time as any
To do what we must. 

People talk of love
But what do they really know
Doing all the wrong things
For all the wrong reasons. 

We seek comfort
But end up miserable
Pulled down like quicksand
Back to all we tried,
To leave behind. 

But love is something else
Beyond the path of least resistance
And temporary happiness
Much more than a feeling
Or mindless escape. 

The kind of thing
You wait for
And pray for
Even in loss
And agonizing loneliness.   

Because it never was
What we thought
A choice and a purpose
That can’t be won
And can’t be bought. 

Not a prize
Nor a trophy
And not something
That hurts
Or humiliates.

And woe to him
That grasps
By deception
Falsely accusing
The good and the innocent. 

Pursuing in private
Hands under the table
The liar and the fraud
All for money
And all for pride. 

No love does not flaunt
And it does not murder
It heals
And it protects. 

So here we are
And what is it
We love most
The family around us
Sacred and beautiful.

The dead live on
Inside of you
And inside of me
In the laughter
Of our children
And cherished traditions. 

Let not they be lost
And let not
Thy heart be broken
But fight for those
No longer here
And yet unborn. 

Defending your life
And way of life
Is no sin
Never was
And never will be. 

And who is it
Under assault?
And who is it really
Under threat?

God, let it all out
And rain it all down
The light and the truth
Like an iron thunderbolt. 

Protect the good
And strengthen our resolve
Standing beside you
As you fight
For us.

Going out
And coming in
We may be. 

Feeding us the words
And giving us the truth
From your heart to our lips
To defend the righteous
And the wrongly accused. 

Putting on your armor
We prepare to defend
Everything we love
In your name
And in your blood. 

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