Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Curtain Caller

Curtain Caller                  10/23/2018

Another day
And another dead
Not matter what lie
They wail about

The good picked off
One after another
Lied to since birth
Like fish in a barrel. 

Made to feel guilty
And made to feel wrong
Afraid of their own instincts
To defend and protect. 

Strangers in their home town
And threatened on TV
The blamed and the hated
Treated like the plague. 

Banished from the books
And deleted from our minds
The names and the faces
Murdered in the dark. 

Make no mistake
That this is the goal
For you and also I
Dead and forgotten. 

And defenseless
Ignorant and poor
Riddled with guilt
Over nothing at all. 

Meek and docile
Dosed up
And drugged out
Necks stretched out
Dumb and dead. 

But those before
Are alive in us
And greater is God
Than all of the world.    

Soon shall we see
Between us and them
Fast as a thief
In the middle of the night. 

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