Thursday, October 11, 2018


Penance                                    10/11/2018

Another day
And another night
Closer and closer
To the minute
And the hour. 

In and out
Up and down
The dead piled up
And carted away. 

Many lose hope
And many fall away
Giving in
And giving up.  

Pulled down
In pulled back
The silent desperation
Of a world
Gone insane. 

Alcohol, drugs
And suicide
The forgotten
Die off
Poor and pointless. 

You don’t hear much
About this kind of problem
Because for those in power
It was always
The goal. 

Selling us out
Without opportunity
All of it on purpose
And all of it planned. 

None of it
By accident
And none of it

The facilitated decline
Of that we were
All that they built
And all that we loved. 

Far worse
Than anyone guessed
The evil in high places
For treason and death. 

A reckoning is coming
And penance will be paid
All the way forward
And all the way back. 

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