Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Cornered                9/26/2018

The soulless fly blind
Like a moth to a flame
Anything for money
And anything for fame.

Creatures without a conscience
Will do anything to win
Brazen, shameless
Cunning and cruel. 

Happy to lie
And willing to kill
Snuffing out the truth
Anyway they can. 

Shameless, shallow
Obnoxious and rude
Accusing others
For they have done.

Easy to predict
But hard to get rid of
The roaches in the dark
Scrambling for a crack. 

See them run
And see them lie
Anything for leverage
And anything for power. 

Diseased souls
Have no heart
Always trying to fill
What they do not possess. 

Flinging themselves
They bow down to Satan
Bloody hands
And bloody mouths. 

Dangerous when cornered
And envious of the good
Always looking for a chance
To kill or maim. 

From hell it comes
And to hell it leads
Doubled over
And doubled down. 

But end it will
Dead in its tracks
Run down
And run over. 

A runaway train
Like an iron rod
From heaven
Sudden, sure
Swift and certain. 

Thursday, September 20, 2018


Lurking                    9/20/2018

Many are those
Who practice their words
Modulating their voice
From meaning to joke.

They call themselves leaders
And they speak from a mirror
Never anything real
And never the truth. 

Cherry picked statements
Of accusatory assertions
All backed up by nothing
But cowardly lies. 

Foolish distractions
And shallow hysterics
Bolstered by a pretzel logic
That is not true at all. 

Perfectly smooth
But perfectly fake
The aspiring elite
Who are not elite at all. 

The love to talk
And they love to speak
Unable to listen
And unable to care. 

Covered up
And covered over
By a complicit media
Of propaganda and fraud. 

They who know
Nothing of love
The only thing
They cannot win
And cannot own. 

Only the most deluded
Or clinically insane
Could ever believe
The most obvious lie. 

Losing their grip
They see the end in mind
Lashing out
And stumbling blind. 

Lying every minute
And hiding every lie
The bottom feeders lurk
In the depths of the loch. 

Immune for a time
But the reckoning draws near
The many and the few
Parasitic and dumb. 

Pull them up
And draw them down
Exposed for what they did
And exposed
For who they are. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Kill Box              9/12/2018

Bring it up
And haul it out
From the deepest
And the darkest.  

The open secret
That we all can sense
Long hidden
At the bottom. 

Bigger than you can imagine
The slow moving mass
Lurking in the depths
Of the most demented souls. 

A body of lies
Long black and ghastly
Rising up
Against God. 

For how long
None of can tell
But come up it will
Foe everyone to see.

The world boils over
Of long awaited truth
Sickened by murder
Rape and assault.

Only one strike away
From the reckoning deserved
The long awaited spark
100 years or more.

None of it an accident
And none a coincidence
The controlled demolition
Of nations and men.

All of it on purpose
And all of it by plan
The murder and extinction
Of civilization and faith. 

But nothing is more viscous
Than thwarted pride
The vanity of demons
Second to none.

Circled back
And doubled down
The sudden stab
Back to front.

Thrashing about
To take all it can
The blood thirsty lizards
On their way
To the end.

Blood, death, and water
They hate the light of truth
Lie upon lie
Piled up
And sunk deep.

See them now
As they fire at will
Nothing too low
And nothing too cruel.  

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Rolling Thunder

Rolling Thunder        9/11/2018

If you have nothing to lose
Then you have nothing to fear
Everything a blessing
And undeserved.

A contented peace
That’s impossible to describe
Against all odds
And inexplicable heartbreak.

We try
And we fail
Even when virtuous
And even in prayer. 

My mother and my father
They were my heroes
Sacrificing everything
As long as they lived.  

They are free
And they
Are watching me now
Bigger than the world
Pulling us down. 

Above the strike floor
The flames
Could not be escaped
Not much choice
For the betrayed
And condemned.

Secrets, lies
And two kinds of rules
One for us
And another for them. 

Blood on their feet
And blood on their tongues
The servants of Satan
For power
And money. 

It’s time to speak
And its time to shout
Time to do something
Or die for nothing. 

Let it all come out
Every single secret
All the way back
For everyone to see. 

The blood of the saints
And the mouths of the slain
Cry out to God
Every day

The calm before the storm
Shows every single sign
The stillness of dread
Before the hurricane flies. 

Let them all sleep
And let them all rest
For the day
And the hour. 

Burning forever
The enemies within
And enemies without
Treacherous demons
And soulless men.   

No longer protected
By curtains or veils
Exposed forever
Evil and dead.