Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Cut Out

Cut out                       4/25/2018

Old dreams
Die the hardest
All to familiar
And etched on the brain.

Coded into our DNA
The longing for eternity
And the paradise
We once knew. 

Fallen far below
We climb over each other
At war with ourselves
And slaughtered like sheep. 

Asleep and unaware
We are herded off a cliff
Lied to every day
In every method
And every way. 

And traded
Tracked and digitized
We exist
Only for their pleasure.

and inoculated
We do as we are told
Ever more restricted
And ever more deluded. 

It is no accident
The horrible carnage
We see
The created crises
And predictable cures.

Some saw it coming
And some tried to speak
Silenced in time
And dead to the world. 

Let them all be smashed
And let the word go forth
All who were good
And all who were evil.

Exposed at last
In the trap
That they laid
Condemned by the lie
That they themselves
Hath made. 

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