Thursday, March 29, 2018


Elevenfold                                3/29/2018

We learn
And we forget
We try
And we fail. 

Lifted up
And pulled free
Only to sink
Down again. 

If we had forever
Then God only knows
The evil we would plan
Limited until such a time
That those worthy

We sleep
And we turn away
Averting our eyes
From harsh truths. 

But you made me look
And you plucked me out
Tested by trial
And burned in the fire. 

I prayed as hard as I could
But I did not get
The answer I wanted
Humiliated again and again
Rejected and forgotten. 

Nothing but a ghost
Unable to let go
Moaning in the darkness
And dragging my memories
Down the hall.    

Letting go hurt
And in the sun
We squint at the light
The journey uphill
One inch at a time.

Many give up
And many fall  away
Preferring the comfort of lies
To cleansing self-awareness.

They think they are free
From obligation and debt
Strolling down an easy path
Out from under
Easy and clear. 

But they are the ones
Deluded and dumb
Empty, soulless
And grasping at crumbs. 

Calling good evil
And evil good
Trading light
For darkness
Shallow and unaware.

Blinded to truth
And deaf to God
Holding hands
And skipping to death. 

God had a better idea
Than what it was
I wanted
Saving me
For something bigger
And better. 

Now is the time
That we must follow it through
Come what may
Hated or loved. 

Death is defeated
And sin is cancelled out
Victory from loss
And redemption from debt!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Timeline                                               3/28/2018

Ancient rock
Shifts and sinks
One millimeter two millimeter
Three millimeter four. 

Breaking down
And building up
Living clay 
Breathing in
And out. 

The same now
As it was then
All promises kept
In the beginning
And in the end. 

With each new beginning
Coming from another end
One foot in front of  the other
Marching down to zero. 

The sword
Is in the fire
And the Lord
Stands at the door. 

Closer than ever
We who listen can hear
That the days grow short
And full of murder.

But for many
The world has changed
With the spread of knowledge
Awakened, and aware.    

To any and all
Who might dare seek
The silhouettes
Through the shadows
Long hidden from view. 

The big lie thwarted
At the last possible hour
Exposed through a window
Like a snapshot in time. 

Come out it will
For everyone to see
With time enough yet
To learn
And to know. 

Be careful
Lest you forget
Good or evil

Thursday, March 1, 2018


Worthy                         2/28/2018

It is far more than a feeling
And it is far more than an obligation
The choice we make
Every moment
And every day. 

A hard hike up the hill
And not an easy slope
Leaning in
And pressing on. 

And no,
love is not a prize
To be won
Or trophy
To be owned. 

Especially for those
Who have lost everything
Yet remain undefeated
Tested by trial
And seasoned by fire.

No longer in fear
And no longer bound
To status or approval
Fake, false, and temporary.

At peace within
And content without
Feasting among enemies
And laughing like a pirate.

Full and overflowing
In love and fellowship
Surrounded by the good
And genuine. 

Like a king in his castle
We rejoice in the gift
Undeserved splendor
And glittering glory.

I thank the Lord
Even before I have
The Grace and the peace
Beyond compare. 

It was you
Who opened my eyes
And your who
Healed my heart!

Thank you Lord
Thank you Lord
It is you who fill me up
And you who pour me out. 

Tip Toe

Tip Toe                             3/1/2018

Time moves slowly
Until it disappears
Eroded away
By radiation
And rot. 

Born to lose
We are offered up
On a plate
The few and the many
Inextricably linked.

I am no more
Than I was then
Indulged and unaware
Asleep in my dreams.

She gave me a Bible
But then she bled me out
With one deadly thrust
Back to front. 

The mortal wounds
Kill more than the body
Succumbing to an evil
Patient, silent, and deadly.

Hiding in plain sight
And camouflaged as weakness
The humble sheep in the fold
Cold and calculating. 

Whispering in our ears
That all will be well
If only we trusted
And if only we trusted.

Sweet little lies
Worm their way in
Burrowing deep
To lay their seed. 

And with one tiny step
The door cracks open
One millimeter as a time
To all kinds of deception. 

How many have fallen
Because they wandered afar
Even though they were warned
And even though they tried. 

Cautious at first
And lulled into safety
The casual pace of deceit
Unpunished and happy. 

One foot in front of another
The seemingly innocent
And justified
Becomes a lure
Sucking us in
And sucking us down. 

Food for fodder
To fill an empty void
A sacrificial lamb
And deceived.

And by the time they know
It is already too late
Unable to escape
Without loss
And shame. 

How great the loss
For lack of courage
We give up
And we give in. 

So far down the rabbit hole
That they can’t come back
Another loss to sin
And blaming God. 

Stay on the path
Even though, it be hard
And finish the race
No matter how tired
And how weary. 

For those who stand it now
Shall forever see the glory
The kind you cannot own
And cannot lose.