Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Black Lagoon

The Black Lagoon           1/24/2018

Murky, warm, and fetid
Deep, dark, and Moldy  
Sucking down 
And gurgling up. 

Home to the snake
And home to the rat
Swarming with insects
And debilitating disease. 

Full of parasites
And sycophants
Drooling for blood
And preferential position. 

Sucking down
Any and all
To eat their flesh
Clear to the bone.  

Much has been lost
But the secret remains
All from one
And one from all. 

Hidden inside
The last surviving good
A remnant of hope
Hunted and hated. 

And that is why
They want us dead
Not just for money
And worldly power. 

For that they have
By their empty souls
Picked by loyalty
And sworn to Satan.

Do not look back
But only to the light
For many have fallen
By promises
And greed. 

Lean on the Lord
Safe under his wing
Holding his hand
In darkness
And despair. 

He shall deliver
In less than an hour
Victory from death
And justice from horror. 

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