Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Dazed and Deluded Version 2.0

Dazed and Deluded    1/3/2018

Too dumb
To save their lives
I pray for them
In the midnight hours.

Glued to the screen
They eat
What they are given
Never looking deeper
To find
Or to know.   

If the world hates you
Then you must know why
Closer than ever
Over the target
Dead level down. 

Head down
In the trough
They slurp it up
Without question
Or courage. 

Unable to see
The scimitar
Over their heads
With hate in their hearts
And willing to kill. 

They lap it up
And then spew it out
The birds of a feather
Crying out foolish deceptions
And false virtue. 

I have prayed
Day and night
That they also might awaken
And they also
Might see. 

The bigger the lie
The more they swallow
Speaking without thinking
Doubled down
And doubled over. 

But the truth is all around
Just outside our window
Right here
And right now. 

But blind is the damned
Fumbling through life
Following the herd
All the way over
And all the way down. 

Still I try
And still I pray
For now is a time for choosing
Who it is
We believe. 

They can hate all day
But as for me
I have made my choice
Alone or together
Faithful and free. 

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