Thursday, November 16, 2017


Lattice                             11/16/2017

Against all the odds
Of eternity
I am here
An insurmountable
Of endless combinations. 

But here we are
And, we are
Most certainly
Not an accident
Or a mistake.

Unlikely as can be
But not because
We earned it
And not because
We deserve it.

It was in a dream
That he took my hand
And Lifting me up
Underneath his wings.

Plucking me out
Of all that I knew
So that I could learn
And grow. 

I asked
And I accepted
But I still
Did not know
Much less understand. 

I had not yet
Felt the dagger
And I had not yet
Tasted blood.

Long before
The fevered nights
Shivering under
A black blanket
High above a dark abyss.

But how can anyone
Be sure
Until they also
Have suffered
Betrayal and cruelty
Humiliation and shame.

But it is that same suffering
That awakens the soul
The most misunderstood gift
And priceless treasure.

Liars multiply
When threatened
And a wounded animal
Is a vicious killer. 

If only
It were ignorance
Then the innocent
Could learn
But what we face
If far worse
Than blindness.

Hating babies
And laughing
At the dying
Dreaming of murder
For you and for me. 

The tide is high
And the fruit is low
Heavily laden
With death
And deception. 

Ripening in the sun
The world shudders
Under the weight
Of sin, Satan
Corruption, and lies.

Not a minute late
And not a second too soon
The inevitable end
Already written
And already done.  

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