Thursday, November 9, 2017

Triple Hung

Triple Hung           11/9/2017

Each and every
Any and all
Not country for the hated
Surrounded, atomized
The few and the dead.

All of it on purpose
And all of it by design
To close every mouth
And bend every neck. 

More than willing
To sacrifice millions
Stacked on the ash heap
Of collectivist horror. 

With blood and leather
And mechanized death
The broken cogs
Are the end
Of the nightmare.

Those who lie
Will never tell the truth
Doubled over
And doubled down
Up to their necks
In evil.

The who serve
Seek a perversion of justice
The kind spawned by violence
And guttural hatred. 

See them jump
And see them scream
Exploding with rage
And outlandish accusations.

The window is closing
But the door is about to open
As the astounding truth emerges
Worse than we ever knew.

Watch yourself
And watch your family
Lest any of us be savaged
By wounded beast
Cornered and deadly. 

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