Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Lamp

The Lamplighter            8/30/2017

In the blink
Of an eye
One world dies
And another
Is born. 

Splitting off
In endless possibilities
The numberless dreams
Of choices
And indecision.

We exist
In the twilight
Trapped in the  flesh
Unable to see
Behind the veil.   

Weighed down
By the earth
And the unbearable
Boredom of existence.   

Ensnared by the details
We seldom see the end
Barely scratching the surface
Of superficial being. 

Running inside a wheel
We miss more than we see
A victim of temporary emotions
Reacting to stimuli
That mean nothing at all.     

Sometimes we get a warning
And sometimes
We get a chance
Stumbling blind
And hopelessly lost.

But other times
We get neither
Blindsided halfway home
Cut off
And cut down. 

But for everything that is
There is always
The other side
Forcing us to learn
And grow. 

Many grasp at nothing
And I watch them chase the air
Unaware of the blessings
Face to face
And eye to eye.

If love is a choice
Then it must be chosen
But what we choose
We must also earn.

Each day a gift
That we must welcome
Making ourselves worthy
By patience and faith.   

In gaining we are thankful
And in losing
We learn contentment
Ripening with time
In a golden harvest.   

From a secret place
The spark undeserved
A lamp in our darkness
To guide and reveal. 

The gift
No man can measure
My love, my joy
And my treasure!

Thursday, August 24, 2017


Ripening               8/24/2017

Covered up
Or covered over
The die is caste
And below.

We who see
Watch the hands move
Right in front
Or under the table. 

You can fold it up
Or you can turn it over
But the truth remains
Hidden and corrupt.

We all looked up
But we never saw a thing
The entire earth
Tipped over
And upside down. 

Picking at a spec
And ignoring the timber
The forest for the trees
Dark immense and deep. 

Months, years
Decades and more
Every lie
And every myth
Bigger and bigger. 

Some see rivers
And some see floods
Faces in the clouds
Or gutters full of blood.

We all go on
Just like we did before
Oblivious to the signs
Hanging from the trees.

Some life
And some lie
While others work
And suffer.

Pages turn
And people get married
Buying and selling
And scheming. 

Endless talking
And endlessly speculating
All over nothing
True hatred
Over and over. 

Unable to see
Right in front of their eyes
The horrible crimes
Every day
And every hour.

The fruit hangs low
Heavy with the season
A long time coming
Ripened and ready.

The summer turns
Deep rich and golden
Reaped in an hour
Great heaps of grain
Thick and overflowing.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Shudder the thought

Hide and Seek                     8/23/2017

The world trembles
At the thought
And many recoil
And clutch their pearls. 

That anyone could dare
And tell the truth
To awaken a giant
Long dormant
And silent.  

Overly patient
And slow to anger
The larger man
No longer guilty
Of nothing at all. 

Long suffering
The repeated blows
Savaged out of hatred
And jealousy. 

Rising up
To protect the future
Those yet unborn
And pure. 

Knowing what is coming
Not long down the road
And willing to do
Whatever it takes. 

Untying his hand
From around his back
And learning to speak
With reason
And logic. 

No longer cowed
By baseless accusation
And no longer ashamed
Of the gift
And the blessings. 

Against the world
The few against the many
More than enough
To turn the tide. 

The cities burned
And the treasures looted
Laid waste
By murder
And assault. 

The predators will run
Like the cowards they are
Courageous only in packs
And unleashing their violence 
In sudden attacks. 

Scattered and wailing
They will gnash their teeth
All the while
Knowing and lying. 

The truth springs forth
And shatters the veil
As the unheard rise
From the dead
And the buried. 

Deliberately forgotten
The souls of the good
Accused by the unworthy
For what they themselves
Have done. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


The Glimpse         8/22/2017

Much is lost
But seldom gained
In the deep dark moments
Of abandonment
And rejection.

The world heaves
Heavy under the sun
Slowly rolling
Into time. 

Dropping down
Into darkness
The foreshadowing
Of memory
Long ago
And far away.  

Today they are the same
Just as they were before
Killing by proxy
What they wish
In name. 

Hunting down
Every last vestige
In words and thoughts
Raging against the light
And foaming at the the mouth. 

Whipped up
In a frenzy
And paid for propaganda
The evil masked men
Of genocide. 

Loaded up
And trucked in
They know
No one will speak
The madness of the mob
Ignorant and blind.

Once you see
There is no turning back
No matter what is said
And no matter what you hear. 

The lie is big
And it grows
like a cancer
Spreading like a disease
Everywhere you look. 

Changing places
And erasing words
Anything noble
And dignified. 

Spawning in the dark
And spread upon the shores
The mass of hatred
Surging forward. 

Marked is the moment
That the world stood still
A moment of pause
To use our free will. 

Blood on the moon
And darkness of the sun
Perfectly timed
A sign for the good
And judgment  
For the dumb.



Another day
And another run
Spinning and tilting
Under the sun. 

Day is night
And night is day
The sign above
As it is below. 

Endless cycles
Click with the gears
A clockwork of time
In weeks, months, and years.

Over and under
The shadows pass by
Sun dappled dreams
Dripping with anticipation
Sharp, dark, and keen.

Clouds pass over
And split right on time
The moment of silence
Eternal, and sublime.

Who will heed
The warning
And who will see
The sign
Proof of all beginnings
Distance and design.

241 years
Two forty one
Day or night
The time for decision
For the truth
Or the lie.

Pray for all
Who may yet see
The truth outright
Forever offered
Eternal and free.   

Thursday, August 10, 2017


Active Suppression                       8/10/2017

Each and every
Any and all
Swallowed up
And slithered down. 

Circled around
And looped over
The good are cut off
Atomized and alone. 

Blindfolded, handcuffed
Ignorant and dumb
Many fumble in the dark
Unable to question
And unwilling to know.

Older and fewer
Isolated and vulnerable
Silently Suffocated like an invalid
With a pillow
On the face.

Nothing much remains
But a solitary spark
Barely burning
Deep in the heart. 

But nothing can save
He who will not see
Deluded till the end
The truly ignorant
And willingly hateful.

Today they are exposed
The complicit
And the guilty
Openly plotting
Evil and treason.

Full in the sun
The murderers in daylight
Cruel, treacherous
And filled with hate. 

Long hidden
And always omitted
The truly guilty
Foam at the mouth
Soon to squirm
And soon to pass.