Thursday, July 27, 2017

The French Camp

The French Camp              7/27/2017

Either by lies
Or maybe by omission
The words are withheld
And the motive hidden. 

The dreams of the dead
Swept under the rug
Overshadowed by a veneer
False, and fake. 

The lie just gets bigger
Every time it is told
Just as false now
As it was then. 

Decades fly by
And the truth
Was there all along
For anyone to see
All around
And everywhere. 

In smoke filled rooms
The decisions were made
About whom to blame
And who to excuse. 

And so the truth was hidden
And we didn’t know
Left with only
What we
Were told.    

Manipulated by propaganda
In art, culture, and tv
To accept decline
Surrender and decay.

Living on poison
One drop at a time
Minute by minute
And day by day. 

Accelerated over time
Because truth is hard to suppress
The replacement of millions
In their own land. 

Medicated, labeled
Penalized, and blamed
The good and the original
Marginalized by degree. 

They lied about the murders
And they lie about them still
Even now that we know
By statistics
And reality.   

Flooded, defrauded
And disenfranchised by the hour
The good citizens of utopia
Murdered in the street. 

The end is here
But the liars remain
Protected by a narrative
Too big to fail.    

Built up
Over time
The tremendous falsehood
Of blame
Enough to make you sick
With more of the same. 

I will remember your name
And I will remember your face
Hunted down for a reason
Because of who you were
And what you were.   

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Magdalene           7/25/2017

More than they will ever know
And more than they will ever face
I walked the walk
And I ran the race.  

Cut from behind
From the least threatening corner
Deep, deadly 
Vicious, and cruel.   

The first loss 
Of many losses 
Suffered by one
And suffered by many.  

Betrayed out of nowhere 
The doubled minded beast
Growing head after head 
Preying upon every doubt
And disappointment.

Deceptive and relentless 
We fall far below 
Endlessly suffering 
From blow after blow. 

Death comes
Silent as a shadow
A black mold
Growing on the brain. 

Skewing thoughts
From desperation
And despair
Closing in
And closing off.

And only God knows
How many have tried
Over and over
Before they gave up
Rolled over and died. 

Blood of my blood
The precious link
Between them and us
You and me. 

Bound with
A sacred chain
But hunted
Every day. 

Whisper to me
All your secrets
And I’ll tell you mine
Ancient as we 
Together in time.  

Though the ashes
Be buried
The embers
Have never gone out
Waiting for centuries
For a whisper or a shout. 

From nothing
From dust comes victory
The invisible miracle
Of immortality. 

And outnumbered
Those who remain
Ridiculed and punished
Every day
In every way. 

But love conquers all
And the spark
Only grows stronger
With knowledge
And time. 

I hold my son
As my father held me
Sacred as a mother
Covering us all
From hatred
And cruelty. 

Cover me
And I cover you
All of us one
Inside and out
The first
And the last. 

We were born
Just for this
To preserve
And protect
The best we can
Right here
And right now. 

Every watchful
And ever awake
Eyes wide open
In front
And behind. 

The saints
Camp about us
And true
Seeing us out
And seeing us through. 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

News Talk

News Talk             7/13/2017

Many will eat
And still be hungry
Force fed for life
On nothing at all. 

Nothing but baubles
Dangled in our eyes
Shiny distractions
From what is real
And what is true.    

We can listen
Or we can turn away
Because the truth is all around
Everywhere you look
And everything you see. 

If you can see it
Then you can decide
Who are the real liars
And who are the blind.  

Here they come now
And chatter
Endlessly speculating
On nothing at all. 

Outside is everything
And memory is the key
As with each passing day
It either gets better
Or it gets worse.

The struggle against forgetting
Is a war against time
Slipping away
Every minute
And every day. 

The world spasms
And doubles over
Long ago
And compromised. 

Accustomed to power
And unlimited money
Skimming off the cream
And feeding at the trough. 

Fat off the back
Of the powerless
And the forgotten
The sacrificial lambs
And abused. 

They have lost
And their time grows short
A long time coming
And certain. 

Guard your heart
And lock it away
Everything in prayer
Morning, noon
And night.    

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Fast and Faster

Fast and Faster   7/6/2017

They might wonder
What is wrong
And they might think
That we
Are insane. 

But all men die
While only a few
Ever live
Truly free
To be who they are. 

Surfing the hurricane
And barely touching the water
In control of uncontrollable chaos
At a thousand miles an hour. 

All of this
Can disappear
And even the greatest glory
Lost in an instant
Of ravishing splendor. 

Now is the time
To be here
And this is the moment
Of the greatest gold. 

A shining moment
To be cherished
At the top of a world
Long turned
Upside down. 

Choosing truth
And embracing reality
And unbridled.

The lies are falling
And it is now
That we must choose
Shedding all that is fake
And all that is phony. 

It has never been more clear
And the odds
Have never been greater
The whole world
And all its institutions
Diseased from within. 

Long used like a hammer
To break us down
And destroy lives
Over used
And over extended. 

Ready to collapse
At any moment
Even the all powerful
And self-absorbed.

Teetering on their perches
Arrogant and smug
Judging us all
And pumping out the drugs.

But no longer
Do we
Even touch the ground
Faster and faster
On top of the trains.

Closer to God
Than man
The bold actions
Of the free
And the brave. 

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Bombs Bursting in Air

'The Rockets' Red Glare            7/4/2017

Today I will wear a white hat
And look to the sky
For a few minutes of splendor
More determined than ever
To defend and protect.

Even now we are prisoners
And strangers
Aliens in the land of our fathers
Over and over again. 

Sold out for nothing
And penalized at every turn
Hated for our truth
And butchered
For our beauty.

Bombs will burst in the air
And we will see
All its glory
For those who remember
The forgotten
And the dead.

The black plague rages
And disease spreads
In the dark
All of it on purpose
And all of it planned. 

Now more than ever
See it all unfold
The truth writ large
Everywhere you look.

Sooner than you think
Everything will be exposed
As ever fair weathered friend
Hides in the grass. 

Evil will spend itself
In a last
And desperate gasp
So close
And yet so far. 

At the very last moment
Just before
They sealed our doom.

The good awakened
And no longer blind
Aware of the ugly truth
That can never
Be forgotten. 

They shall all
Expose themselves
In a violent foolish spasm
Spent upon the innocent
And the unaware. 

Let it all fall down
And consume them
Burning away
All their pride
And childish hatred.

Look up
And see it
For we have already won
Every promise kept
The long way around.