Thursday, November 10, 2016


Phalanx                     11/10/2016

Many a man
Has faced down death
And by the thinnest of margins
The good can be saved. 

The fight begins
And the violent erupt
Spewing out in a tantrum
Childish, dumb, and cruel.  

The dead are rising
From the ashes on the pyre
Avenging ten fold
All that was murdered
And forgotten. 

Prematurely buried
And one coffin nail short
The lid lifted
And all blown away. 

The beaten man
Now stronger than ever
Covered by each other
Forward, flank and rear. 

Blamed, harassed,
And relentlessly attacked
The good and the innocent
And penalized to death. 

Hounded and hindered
At every single step
Robbed of everything
And ridiculed for fun. 

Bearing every burden
And enduring every attack
The host to the parasites
Feeding off his blood. 

Worn out and dying
We are always asked for more
While evil mocks the good
And celebrates.

It will never end
Until he comes
So together we can rise
And do what we can. 

Others have taken the blows
And others have paid the price
Accepting the challenge
And all the hatred. 

Stand with them now
Even when its hard
Because all of us need cover
The few
Against the many. 

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