Thursday, October 27, 2016


Wormhole             10/27/2016

It all started
With a lie
A deep and vile deception
Crawling in
The tiniest of cracks.

Forced in
At the weakest of moments
Foisted upon the resentful
And grossly overburdened.

Eating on fear
And feasting
Upon exhaustion
Persistently testing
For weaknesses with promises
And lies.

Wedging against every fault
And exploiting all favorable angles
Like an opportunistic disease
Spreading through the blood. 

Almost unnoticed
Safe, harmless,
Easy and effortless
The greatest of tragedies
Happen by degrees.

Sucked in
And lost
Before we even knew
The parasite embedded
And sapping our strength.

By the time
You see it
It is already too late
Burrowed too deep
To remove
The fatally infected heart.

Lost to time
Over nothing at all
The emotional ruins
Of the empty
And the fake. 

They have murdered many
And it nearly killed me
Taking everything
And leaving nothing. 

The dead hand holds the truth
And all hands work to kill
Removing every obstacle
Brazen and remorseless.

Playing on a loop
Threaded through time
The failure of man
Falling though the floor
And cursed from the start.

Pride traps us all
And we flail at the wind
Unable to question
Speak, climb, or swim. 

Monday, October 24, 2016

Dead Hand

Dead Hand               10/24/2016

Outside of space
And outside of time
The spirit resides
Fluid and free.

Untouchable, uncontainable
And free
The immortal soul
Unfettered by measurement
And control. 

The only thing we have
And the only thing
We can keep
But still often neglected
In the here and now. 

But this world
It is a rotted waste
Full of bitterness
And terror. 

In the shadows
The controllers hide
Behind walls and guards
They plot and plan. 

Rewarding the corrupt
And mindlessly obedient
No matter what the cost
Bankrupt and merciless. 

But to their enemies
They bring nothing but death
Above the law
And above reproach.

A cartel
And a cabal
Exclusive, hidden
Satanic and cruel. 

The architects of chaos
And benefactors of evil
Pitting brother against brother
In endless wars.  

Shifting flags
And shifting colors
They hide behind philanthropy
Barbaric, and sadistic. 

Profiting from starvation
And laughing at genocide
They set up a crossfire
For you
And for me.  

Treacherous and deadly
The high priests of death
Desperately seeking immortality
Through privilege and power. 

Watch them lie
And watch them scheme
Predictable as the sun
Profiting from chaos
And murder for fun.

Cutting us apart
And cutting us down
Lying that it is hopeless
For us to resist
Or try. 

Take heart
For we already know
How all of this will end
The end from the beginning
Who will rise
And who will win. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Blood Count

Blood Count                         10/19/2016

I should have savored it more
The glowing days of jubilant sun
Long long ago
And many worlds away. 

We did not know
So we did not save
Staring at mirrors
Like kids in a cave.

Protected  by oceans
And insulated from fear
A time and place
Lost to dreams.

Gone like a summer afternoon
And carried out to sea
Like tiny droplets of vapor
Blown by the breeze. 

We thought we had forever
But we were only kids
Laughing at nothing
And given everything.   

Ground by the weight
It until it all became powder
The way we once lived
And loved. 

Because while we were playing
Others, they buried the bomb
Planted like a seed
Right under our feet.    

Ignored and neglected
The weeds
They grew everywhere
An impenetrable jungle of darkness
Spread in all directions. 

It blots out the sun
And we are hopeless
Knee deep in mud
And covered with lies.

The last who might remember
All they want to forget
For many different reasons
Godless and dead.

You can lose
And still you can win
Because nothing lasts
Except for your soul.

More precious than money
And more valuable than power
A new world
And a new heaven. 

Worth every sacrifice
No matter how
We are hated
Worthy of the blood
Splattered on the ground.

The price is steep
But the chance is eternal
So let us all
Do what it takes.

Many run
And many hide
But good men
Should never fear
The truth in all its glory.

Even if it hurts
Crawl across
The broken glass
Whatever it might take
And against every odd.

Red with blood
I shall wear the shirt
And laughing. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Shard

The Shard                 10/18/2016

The world is made of glass
And our eyes
Are made of mirrors
Full of smoke
And full of tears. 

I have laughed at it all
And I have wallowed
In despair
But all of it is nothing
But dreams of a ghost.

Even awake
We cannot see
And even asleep
We forget. 

We break down
And fall to our knees
Exhausted, bloody
And splintered with shards.

Never knowing
Much less understanding
That all we had to do
Was ask. 

Running scared
And looking for cover
We pull up a blankets
And bury our face.  

Fed by a tube
And led by the nose
The sleep walking fools
Slavish and trusting.  

In all things pray
And lean not
On your own understanding
Because God will win
Even if, we lose.

Many come
With all of the world
Propped up and fed
Lie after lie.

But God will bless
He who relies
For every perfect word
Swift as a rapier
And deadly as a sword. 

Monday, October 17, 2016


Eclipse              10/17/2016

Deep dark and silent
Morning arrives
Another day
And another year.

I was asleep
And now I am awake
Blinded by lies
And burned by the sun. 

The world is heavy
And now more than ever
Pressing downward
And squeezing the sides. 

We did not know
And with that
We jumped off a cliff
Deluded and used
For anything
And everything. 

We who followed the rules
And we who believed
Pushed forward
And stabbed in the back. 

Left with the bill
And blamed for the charge
The good and the innocent
Guilty by birth
And belief. 

Some got away
And some got paid
While the rest waited
And never got saved.

Many are those
Who remember
Just on the other side
Still waiting for something
Or anything at all. 

Useful for a time
And then cut off and dead
Bumps in the road
Insulted and defamed.  

Let them all hear
And let the world see
All that was hidden
Under every table
And behind every door.