Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Deep End 3/3/11

The Deep End 3/3/11

Many a ship that sailed on high
Have sunk into the deep
Never again to rise
And never again to breathe.

Some they thought would last forever
But others were made to sink
But of all the lost dreams
Only mystery remains.

The sailors scrambled for survival
And some were rescued
And some were not
Entombed forever
Where the sun cannot see.

Others have suffered
And others have died
Taking with them their hopes
And their dreams.

They too loved
And they too lost
Slipping into eternity
Forever silent.

If I captain goes down with his ship
It doesn’t mean that it was his fault
Because honor doesn’t always mean glory
And the world isn’t fair.

I have ridden the ship down
And I have seen the hidden horror
Unable to save
And unable to escape.

I am a shadow
And I am a ghost
An uncomfortable reminder
Of what is real
And what is false.

Man chooses
And man takes
For each and every day
A thousands decisions are made
Rippling outwards forever
Unknown and unseen.

Money and convenience
Define the boundaries
Seldom acknowledged
But always present.

Inconvenient people
Are always quickly forgotten
As man forgets his mortality
And whistles in the dark.

The rescue ships have come
And they sail above me
High on the seas in the sun
But I am not afraid
And I am not done.

Three out of three shall die
And all men sail
Into that black mystery
In death we are everywhere
And become everything.

I am alone
But in time we shall see
So I rest my head in the deeps
And wait.

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