Friday, March 18, 2011

Look and Listen

Look and listen 3/18/2011

Look outside
And you can see the whirlwind coming
Churning across the quilted land
A deadly vortex of destruction
Mindless but also beautiful.

From a great distance
We are strangely detached
And it can seem abstract
Remote and otherworldly

There is a dark wilderness
But not the kind you remember
Spreading like a prairie fire
Burning brightly
Across the withered plains.

We have survived before
So we keep on going
Living our lives
Asleep at the wheel.

As if we have immunity
And live forever
Untouched and unhurt
And that everything will always be the same
That our lies will remain hidden
And our fortunes safe.

We have avoided death once more
But our mourning is superficial
While we go on
Just as selfish
And just as cruel.

We bury the dead
And plan for the future
But not just for love
Because people have their uses.

I have no use
So there are no smiles
And no one has to watch me
Every minute
And every day.

Under a great open sky
There is little you can hide
And even less you can hope for
But another day of searing heat
Or another night of biting cold.

I was born of the fire
And once I held the flame in my eyes
And nothing seemed impossible
And I dreamed of great potential
But now I know
And now I weep.

I think across the centuries
And imagine myself in different times
And in different lives
Ones in which I live all possible dreams
And never have to lose.

The treasure is gone
And also is the hope
As I turn away from living
And bury my head in shame.

I see a group of women
And they laugh as they walk by
But I turn my head away
Staring into the blackness
Of the deepest darkest hole
Burying my regret
Just as far as I can.

They say we all need love
But some only have the need
But where is that warm feeling?
The kind of place where you belong
And others belong with you?

Where is the world of easy smiles?
And long sensual pauses
Or the joy of children
Who never have to leave
And never have to fear.

We have lived in a long pause
But even the silence now must end
Because I am chasing the ghosts
And they won’t leave me alone.

Others have their lives
And they have their comforts
But they are not looking
And their eyes have clouded.

They look at the world
But only with their eyelids half open
Unaware of the horror
Just a block away
Or maybe 10,000 miles.

The world has shifted
And tilts off its axis
Slowed by the weight
And groaning under time.

Upside down and backwards
It has started to shudder
Cracking, sinking
And dying every day.

Other people
And other lives
Seem so remote and lifeless
And their death
Is for us as spectators
What sport is for fools.

We are one dimensional
Here one day and gone the next
Replaced without a thought
And cut off in the night.

They pretend
But I see straight through
And they are cruel
But I watch and learn.

Look outside
Because its getting closer
Closing the distance
In a cloud of dust.

Time to reap a bitter harvest
Of rotted fruit
And broken dreams
Painful and permanent
The day of an Angry God.

The truth is coming
Relentless and certain
And it sounds like a freight train
Smashing all before it
And crushing it to dust.

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